Here are the latest log cabin adventures from me and a few friends
from around the globe! Come along as we discover rustic retreats,
amazing history, and pioneer building methods...all inside the world's
best structures - LOG CABINS.
A log cabin building project can be overwhelming if you have never done anything like that before. Here are folks who have done it and lived to blog...
Continue reading "DIY Log Cabin Building - Owners in the Trenches"
We have found a Cherokee pre-1833 cabin in NW GA that we have purchased and need to disassemble and move to our farm. Its in pretty rough shape. Very
September 8, 2013 Hi Banjoe: I just stumbled across your site and love it. I will be using your mortar mix on the inside; so thank you very much. Our
Hi, I've come across your site via a youtube video and I have some more questions about chinking. We've just moved in to a log home circa 1880 and are
What wood is the best to use for building a cabin in Western New York? The cabin will be in a predominately maple, beech & hemlock woods with plenty of
Continue reading "Building a Cabin in Western New York - What wood would be best?"
WHAT SIZE LOGS SHOULD BE USED FOR BUILDING LOG CABINS? Banjoe Answers: Ray, it has been my observation that cabin builders tend to use what they have
Hi there How would Eucalyptus Grandis do as a wood for building a log cabin? It is about the only non-commercial product near me. Regards, Dominic
Continue reading "Building a Log Cabin from Eucalyptus Grandis"
I am thinking about building a cabin on my hunting land in eastern NC. There is a good stand of loblolly bay trees on the land. I hear they are in the
Question: I was thinking of building a cabin and placing a stone fireplace in the middle to divide the dining room from the living room. I also wanted
Continue reading "Can you put the chimney in the center of the cabin and use it to heat water?"
Does the length of your logs determine your cabin size or can you splice your logs to increase your wall length? I can cut logs up to 20' on my saw mill,
Continue reading "Does the length of your logs determine your cabin size?"
I am planning to build a 20x20 log cabin with dovetail notch on our property in Northeast Arkansas. I was wondering should I go ahead and build the cabin
Continue reading "Is it okay to use green oak logs when building a cabin?"
Do you have any pictures of an octagon log home? Answer from Banjoe: I looked in my files and did not find any pictures of an octagon shaped hewn log
I am just getting ready to start building a log cabin, i am wanting to be very involved in the building of the cabin along with friends and family. I am
Continue reading "Looking for good log cabin building resources"
Banjoe, Our log home is only half logs from the mid 1800s and the other half was an addition from the early 1930s and all of it was covered with Hardy